Monday, September 28, 2009


Things I need to do today-take more pictures of Division Two. I can't believe we have only been in our new class for two weeks! We seem to have covered lots of territory. The grade sevens are starting their first research project about the day they were born. What was happening? In the meantime the Grade Sixes are going to start work on the United Nations rights. I love grade six social studies and I am sure I will grow to love grade seven social studies as well. The other excitement today is that we will have a new room arrangement. Wonder how that will go? I read lots of books this weekend. One was called Taken by Norah McClintock. If you like mysteries you will like this one.


  1. We have many Norah McClintock books in the library. Come and have take a look. She is a wonderful writer!

  2. One student in Division Two has my copy but I bet there are others who would enjoy her books!
