Thursday, October 29, 2009

Trudeau's Torch Relay etc.

Well I thought our torch relay was really impressive!  I was really proud of our performers at the assembly.  All the teachers were commenting on how well you did plus I knew that all the rest of you could have done a great job as well if you had had the opportunity. That was an amazing banner that Aghilon and Patricia made, and our flag bearers did a great job representing Quebec.  Rajan did an excellent job of lighting the cauldron.  All in our I loved our event!

Congrats to our Students' Council executive.  I think the class did a good job of choosing.  And I am really impressed with our junior boys soccer team, four members from our class, who are now the city champions!  I think this is the first time a Trudeau team has been the city champions so that is really impressive!

I think we have had a really good week!  Well done!

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