The theme of the week seemed to be how to make the world a better place. On Thursday we had a really great presentation by Allison and Paul Bird on the Nepal Library Foundation. As you know our class sold journals and had a raffle and has already made over $300 for this cause.
Friday we decided to spearhead fund raising for Haiti earthquake victims with our campaign Help for Haiti which will begin Monday. I just watched a beautiful video entitled Together about Haiti, how we can work together to help these people rebuild their city. On Tuesday people are asked to wear red to show support Haiti. I plan to!
Friday we also had a great assembly put on by the We to Me Club and learned how we at Trudeau are going to finance building a school in India brick by brick.
Today I went to a presentation by Greg Mortenson, the author of Three Cups of Tea, and bought a copy of his new book, Stones into Schools.
Greg Mortenson is changing lives building schools mainly for girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
I am excited about our opportunity to help with all these projects. I, personally, felt so inspired by hearing Greg Mortenson once again. He told one story about how some village elders in Afghanistan, probably Taliban agreed to build a school after they spent an hour and a half playing in the playground at a school in another area. They had never had the opportunity to play when they were children, living in a country at war. The playground actually convinced them to build the high school for girls in their community.
The opportunity to play as well as the opportunity to learn are two opportunities all children deserve.
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