Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More on the Olympic Project

Here is your assignment sheet I gave in class today!  I so wish I could take you all to see curling.  You were really good sports about it.  I hope we have a great time at John Oliver tomorrow!
You are doing a multimedia project on an Olympic sport of your choice.  You have instruction a sheet telling you how to do a multimedia report plus other guidelines.  You all have the fact sheet from the Vancouver Sun plus online sources noted in my last entry on this blog.

Each group has one group, which they are focusing on.  In your report, which will be about five minutes to the class, you need to teach us about your sport.  What is it? How do you win?  How long has it been part of the winter Olympics?  What is some of the memorable history of the sport?  Who are the current and past stars? Tell us something about some of the current Canadian athletes involved in the sport.  Is there a special vocabulary for this sport?  What is some of the vocabulary that can be used in this sport?  You need to keep count of the medals awarded. 
Remember you must tell us where you got the information about your sport-site your references. 
You also need to be able to answer questions from the audience. 

When you give your presentation you will be marked on
1.    Information
2.    Visual impact
3.    Evidence of using different forms of presentation
4.    Is presentation loud and clear- remember have cue cards –don’t try reading off posters so your back is to your audience.  Maybe if you are shy you can record yourself?
5.    Are we engaged? Are we interested?

Remember you are the expert on your sport! 

We will see where you are on Monday!!!  Project presentations will be on Friday, February 26… be ready-we are going to see what they look like and maybe we can share them with other classes the following week-as you get your final look at the games.

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